Welcome to Words & Visions, a place where the written word is celebrated for its power to heal and transform, where story is art and art is story, where hearts and minds are challenged and inspired for greater things. Here, you'll find writings that cut to the heart of those things that are most important: family and faith, joy and journeying, gratitude and growth.
On my life journey, I’ve discovered that my calling is be a man of words, and so I use those words to speak life into the hearts and minds of others and to share the vision my glorious God has given me. With my my writing and audio and video production experience, I've taken my message and mission to the next level. My hope is that these pages will inspire you to find joy, hope and peace.
Words & Visions is All About…
- Sharing a poetic vision of faith through the written word...
- Celebrating the incarnatioinal nature of our salvation as expressed in worship...
- Teaching values that lead to deeper faith, creativity, and compassion...
- Using story-telling/story-making to foster personal growth and fellowship...
- Employing solid time-tested training methods based on relational models...
- Presenting artistic expression as a powerful tool for spiritual growth...
- Working with, rather than for, those who are being trained and served...