Sacred Songs
Here is a collection of my poetry set to music. These words express the song of love Jesus has written on my heart. The music genres range from contemporary Christian praise to light country, folk ballads to hard rock. Please read the poetry and give a listen to the songs. You can check out the videos of the songs on my videos page. I hope they are a blessing to you!
Woman at the Well
Walking up the path toward the water, So alone, an outcast on the earth. Wayward woman, not a wife or daughter, Searching deep within to find my worth.
All my life I’ve wandered sad and lonely, All my life I’ve searched for gentle love. Cried a thousand times, “O Lord, if only,” Raised my salt-worn eyes to realms above.
Suddenly I see a man who’s walking, Suddenly he sits beside the well. Asks me for a drink as he is talking, What he wants I simply cannot tell.
Why would he a Jew, with me be speaking? Should I answer or must I be still? Still I feel my beating heart is seeking, Could my empty soul this stranger fill?
What is this the man of heaven comes to offer? Living water, flowing freely to my soul. I am overcome with light, No more struggle, no more fight, Overflowing love to make my spirit whole.
Prophet, poet, man of wisdom, so intriguing, How the hardness of my heart begins to break. All my secrets now I pour, To the One who offers more, Eyes are opened to his meaning as I wake.
Speaking now of worship and of wonder, Conflict, struggle, pain, and earthly strife. All his words surround my soul like thunder, Feel his presence stirring now new life.
Pleading to receive this water living, Yet he calls to me to face my sin. Still I feel the power that he’s giving, Stirs my thirsty soul from deep within.
How can he, this holy man my heart uncover? Though my sin is great, I feel its weight dissolve. As he pours his love so free, As his eyes my struggles see, I am swept up in his tender love’s resolve.
I have heard there is a prophet called Messiah, I can see a great revealing in his eyes. Still he smiles and answers, “Yes.” To speak peace to my distress, “I am He.” I feel my sorrowed soul arise.
Leaving now my jar and every broken burden, I make haste to share the news that I’ve received. Of the One who has revealed my heart’s unfolding, The Messiah whom my heart has now believed.
Every soul is stirred to seek the meaning, Of this holy prophet’s words of peace. Harvest now Messiah’s men are gleaning, Fear and animosity now cease.
What a joy to share this saving story, Love poured out like water for my pain. We your children now receive your glory, All your words our joy and greatest gain.
What a joy my Lord has given to his daughter, What a love that poured so freely to my soul. How my heart now beats with love, Gift of grace from realms above, Living water to refresh and now make whole.
What a blessing fiercely flowing, everlasting, Such a healing, such a promise to behold, Treasure given without price, Heaven’s perfect sacrifice, Sweet as honey, living water, pure as gold.
High Praise
There's a Spirit in this place that has captured our souls, There's an ember in our hearts so let's stir up the coals. Let the fire ignite, and let the praising begin, Come and join in our new song; we will welcome you in.
For the people of the Lord have a reason to sing, The procession has begun, and it's led by the King. And our victory is sealed, by the cross and the crown, We're the pure and spotless bride, righteous is our gown.
Let's make a joyful noise, let's give a shout, We know the reason and there is no doubt. Once we were bound, but we've been set free, We serve a mighty God, we're family.
We've come to celebrate, we come to praise, We are the faithful ones, these are our days. He is our Captain and He is our Lord, Faith is our shield and Gospel our sword.
Come - This is our community, Rise - Sing of your new unity. Leave - All of your lonely ways, Shout - It's time for High Praise!
There's a river flowing free and we're caught in the swell, We have passed through raging storms with a story to tell. We will spread His holy Word to the ends of the earth, Until every searching heart has been washed in rebirth.
We will worship with our hearts and our hands in the air, And our voices raised in song, ev'ry note a new prayer. To the King of all the earth all our honor is due, We await the coming dawn when the world is made new!
Hymns, music, songs we raise, In our endless dance of praise, No more fear and no more doubt, Stand and lift your voices - SHOUT!
(Repeat Bridge…)
We will sing our praising song 'til the Savior returns, Words that rise up in our hearts, with the fire that burns. So with all our heart and strength, and with all of our will, Our sweet chorus will resound and the earth it will fill.
Psalm 92 (Oh How Great Your Mighty Works)
Oh how good it is to thank our Mighty Maker, Singing praises to your name O God most High. To declare your steadfast love when morning rises, And your faithfulness when shades of night draw nigh.
Though the wicked man springs up like grass at morning, And the evildoer flourish for the hour. Yet their final end is sealed by their undoing, By the flawless word of God and by his pow’r.
Oh how great your mighty works O Lord, my Father, How your thoughts so deep surround my very soul. Yet the fool cannot discern your perfect wisdom, Or your will that lifts our hearts and makes them whole.
I will praise you with the music of the lyre, With the harp and with a melody of song. For your works have made me glad throughout the ages, I will praise the power of your hand so strong.
For behold your foes shall see their devastation, Evil men, their hearts in vain will ever toil. But my horn, O God, your hand has now exalted, And my head you have anointed with your oil.
For my eyes have seen the ruin of my contenders, And my ears have heard the tumult of their fall. Yet the righteous flourish like the mighty cedar, Like a tree now planted here in heaven’s hall.
As the branch in latter years shall bear its bounty, Green and growing in the Kingdom it shall be. May your Bride, our nation, rise in coming splendor, And the fruit of all our labors may we see.
In the realms of grace our souls will thrive and flourish, With one voice we now proclaim your mighty love. You our rock and righteous Lord, there is no other, Who will raise us to the heavens high above.
Find My Voice
In the early dawn when all is still, when there can be no sound, Save my lifeblood surging in my heart as now I hear it pound. It’s a death knell calling me to march toward uncertain days, And each painful peal within my ears becomes the price it pays.
O Sweet Lord, how long? Will you not tell me when this trial may end? Is my destiny to play in vain, to lose my only friend? Will my words hold true? Will they endure the fire of the test? Will the notes still ring in heaven’s realms until I find my rest?
And as I ascend on angel’s wings upon each ladder’s rung, Will there be a listening ear for every note that I have sung? How this sadness grips me deep inside the marrow of my bones, Striking chords of sorrow for my soul’s unreachable deep tones.
Chorus One…
In this hour of truth where I will dwell within the realms of grace, I will raise my voice in confidence, be still within my place. Seeking peace and recognition for this holy living choice, As I struggle in your holy beating heart to find my voice.
Find my voice…find my voice…how I hear within my cries, Spirit’s song as I long to rebuke the devil’s lies. For I know…truly know…that in you I can rejoice, For you speak within the depths of me and I can find my voice…
Help me persevere and face the fears the enemy instills, For I’m standing firm against the lies and pain that often kills. I will not back down, will not fall short, for there’s a goal in sight, And each word I sing will lead me deeper into that dark night.
There I’ll listen as your gentle hand will strike the deepest chord, Of my soul’s eternal destiny and heavenly reward. And I’ll rise anew in purpose and find strength to stay the course, As I draw new inspiration from the Spirit’s mighty source.
And as I arise each morning to await the coming day, I will let your words indwell my heart and chase the dark away. As your melody my heart it grips until each beat is yours, And I sing with greater purpose as your grace upon me pours.
Chorus Two…
No more worries as I walk the darkest valley toward your fold, For your rod and staff, my comfort, guide me toward the streets of gold. Where my song will ring as true as angel’s joyful melodies, And we’ll sing as one the holy truth that sets all people free.
Find my voice…find my voice…now I know it to be true, All my trials and my pain find their moment here with you. For I know…truly know…how this Spirit-guided choice, Has released me from my bonds and truly opened up my voice…
No more running, no more hiding, no more lies and self-defeat, For I lay my life and song before the mighty Mercy Seat. And I kneel with true humility and make my song my prayer, To the one who opened up my voice and saved me from despair.
How unsearchable the meaning, how untamable the pow’r, That is lifted from these humble lips to rise this very hour. To the highest realms of heaven, to the lowly earth below, To speak peace to men and angels, and your holy Word to sow.
May each note I sing and word I speak be pleasing in your sight, May it ring throughout the world and to the nations spread your light. May it soon inspire others who will make the greatest choice, To surrender to your mercy and join with your mighty voice.
Chorus Three…
What can human works achieve that heaven’s voice cannot oppose? Or what hellish scheme can stand against the music as it flows? From celestial streams of life and love to run upon the earth, Lord I thank you for my rescue and these words of sweet rebirth.
Find my voice…find my voice…how my soul now sings as One, With the voice of angels raised in praise towards the dawning Sun. For I know…truly know…that with heaven I rejoice, For the One who opened up my heart and helped me find my voice.
Come My Weary, Wayward Wanderer
O Jesus save me, I'm a helpless Sinner, Come and fill my aching heart and make me whole, For I've disgraced you, and I've replaced you, But there's nothing here that satisfies my soul.
O Lord, forgive me, though I don't deserve it, Cleanse my heart and draw me near you once again, For I have wandered, my faith I've squandered, And I've lived a life of sorrow, sin, and pain.
Come my child, my weary, wayward wanderer, I am waiting at the cross arms open wide, There is no blaming and no more shaming, Take a place here at the table by my side.
For my burden is so light and easy, And my discipline is dealt in holy love, For I desire to see your fire, As I fashion you for heaven up above!
I will never comprehend your mercy, Such a love that opened up his arms and died, Upon the death tree, where you suffered for me, So that I could be your spotless holy bride.
May my life song, celebrate your vict'ry, May you occupy my praise in every way. In your fam'ly, whom you've given to me, Where I'll walk the golden streets with you one day!
Restless journey, body aching, soul in turmoil, eyes so blind, Hear the calling of my Master, “Come on home.” What a reconciliation – sin replaced with endless joy, Never more this lonely journey will I roam.
O Lord my Savior, may my life be pleasing, May in every aching heart I plant your seed, So all those seeking, may now hear you speaking, In my voice, my words and in my every deed!
May ths story of my soul's salvation, Be an open book of promises fulfilled. Your love's outpouring, and the great restoring, Of this restless heart whose restlessness you stilled.
Psalm 1 (Blessed Is the Man)
Oh, the righteous man by living streams is planted, Sends his roots into the sacred water’s flood. Yielding fruit in season’s due, Living life, so ever new. Saved from scorching heat by Savior’s blessed blood.
He will wither not, when desert winds are blowing, And his roots will hold him firmly like a tree. He will prosper, standing tall, Never waiver, never fall, Seeking rest and finding final victory.
Living water come and fill us for the journey, Living Lord, come make us strong against the foe. Holy Spirit hold our hearts with gentle whispers, Help us seek the path and guide us where to go.
But the wicked man, will vanish into nothing, Like the chaff the mighty winds will drive away, In the judgment, will not stand, For he scoffs at God’s command, His the darkest and most dreadful price to pay.
Oh Dear Lord you know the way of righteous children, Where the sinner will not walk and cannot stand. You have called us as your own, Through the Word that you have sown, Now forever to behold the Promised Land.
Happy walks the son upon the righteous pathway, Who avoids the counsel of the wicked man. Does not stand with those who sin, Nor with those who scoff within, But who carries out God’s holy, perfect plan.
For to heaven’s law he gives his heart unfailing, Night and day he meditates with pure delight. But the wicked will not stand, Will not heed the Lord’s command, And will seek to turn his heart against the light.
Blessed is the one who seeks the holy Kingdom, Who is traveling salvation’s narrow way. To the glory, to the shining shores of mercy, To the feast and heaven’s everlasting day.
Oh how wondrous, how delightful, is his vision, No more sorrow, self-deception, or despair. For his path is now established by the Savior, He surrenders to the Father’s perfect care.
Forgiven and Free
When it’s cold outside, When I’m full of pride, There’s a place I hide,
Where the lost are found, Where the Spirit’s sound –
Fills my soul… Makes me whole… Brings me here…
In Eternity, Where my eyes can see, How I’ve been set free,
To become your child, No more running wild –
Here I’ll stay… Narrow way… Crystal clear…
Lord I surrender; make me like you, Drown me to sin and raise me anew. Cleanse me with fire; cure me like gold, You are my treasure to have and to hold.
Jesus my Savior, truest dear friend, With you forever, world without end. Miracle moment, how can this be? Promised redemption, forgiven and free!
My soul you redeem, Poor child’s fullest dream, Purest living stream,
Where I’m plunged in death, Raised by Spirit’s breath –
Life anew… Here with you… Endless song…
Lord please come take hold, Draw with grace so bold, Sheep into your fold,
Shepherd Good and True, Savior King are you –
Precious Lamb… Great I AM… Shepherd strong…
Solid rock for sinners… Refuge of the lost… I have found my rest… For you paid the cost…
On the tree… All for me… Love Divine…
Seed to sow… Life to grow… Branch and vine…
Love fulfilled… Heart is stilled… He is mine!
God of endless light, May this holy sight, Shine so pure and bright,
As I dwell with you, Where I’m ever new –
Child of love… Realms above… With my King…
Savior God my Lord, Grace on me you poured, And my spirit soared,
Heaven’s endless song, Where I now belong –
With my voice… I rejoice… As I sing…
Chorus… (Repeat)
Psalm 90 (Lord From Everlasting Days)
Mighty Lord you dwell with every generation, Age to Age before the mountains came to be. Long before you formed the earth and all its people, You as everlasting God will always be.
Mortal flesh becomes the earth when life is over, When you cry, “Return to dust O son of man.” For a thousand years pass by like shades of evening, Or like watches of the night the eons span.
Lord From Everlasting Days your years are many, How you sweep away the wicked as a flood. We are grass that fades and withers with the morning, Yet our seed is resurrected by the blood.
Teach us Lord our days to number for your Kingdom, Satisfy us in the morning with your love. Let us now rejoice in heaven’s endless mercy, May you raise us from our shame to realms above.
Father we are beaten down and so afflicted, All our years a weary journey steeped in sin, Yet your glory now reveals itself in mercy, As you call us to the Feast to enter in.
Make us glad as many days as we have suffered, Turn the years of our chastisement into hope, May our days of sin and sorrow be forgotten, Lead us from the valley to Mount Zion’s slope.
Let your mighty works be shown to all creation, May your glory to your servants be revealed. Let your power light our dark and lonely journey, With your favor let our humble hearts be sealed.
Lord establish all our works within your Kingdom, May we offer you the labors of our hands. Come make known your mighty strength throughout the ages, May you reign in ev’ry heart through all the lands.
Chorus… (Repeat Chorus…)
To Do Your Will
There will come a day when I will see the fruit of labors done,
And a day when I will witness every holy vict'ry won,
So with all that is within me I press on to win the prize,
And await the perfect vision made for my eternal eyes...
One day I'll look upon the face of one who's joining in the race,
A soul like mine who found the courage to begin,
And though the journey may be long, I'll share your sacred, saving song,
And live the fellowship that's graced from deep within.
Chorus Four...
Lead the way and we will follow, speak the Word, and we will go,
It is only in its dying that a seed will ever grow,
For your promise is forever and your sacred call is still,
To seek your Love, to live your life, to do your will.
The hour has come, the day is nigh and like the seabird I must fly,
Across your ocean to a distant, shining shore.
The tide is high, the wind is strong, but I have learned my Savior's song,
And deep within a voice is calling out for more.
Chorus One...
Lead the way and I will follow, speak the Word, and I will go,
It is only in its dying that a seed will ever grow,
There's a promise in my heart that you alone can now fulfill,
Within your Love, within your life, within your will.
And though I bring a heavy load, when I first walk this narrow road,
My sorrows, sins, and sadness, pain and shattered dreams.
My brother lifts me up to stand, He walks beside me, takes my hand,
And satisfies my thirsty soul from living streams.
Chorus Two...
Wash the stain, remove my blindness, cleanse my heart, renew my mind,
Set my feet upon your mountain, so your glory I may find.
Be the cure and be the healing for sin's bitter poison pill,
Give me your love, give me your life, give me your will.
His Grace it gifts me for the task, for all that He may ever ask,
His servant ever ready for my sacred role.
I play my part on heaven's stage; I touch a heart and turn a page,
And share His love with every wounded searching soul.
Chorus Three...
You're my joy and you're my comfort, you're my vision, you're my King,
You're the One who brings me purpose and the reason that I sing,
There's one journey I have followed and the path is clearer still,
To seek your love, to seek your life, to seek your will.
The Way of Praise
Come dear children, lift your voice to highest heaven, Stand as one as we acclaim our mighty Lord. Sing your heartfelt hymn of praise – Living out these wondrous days – Let your music strike the deepest holy chord.
For the Savior sounds the call to march to Zion, Leads us on the path along the narrow way. Stirs our souls to reach the lost – Never counting out the cost – Marching to the glory of the vict’ry day.
Let us walk the way to heaven as we spread your holy Word, Seeking souls and bringing peace along the way. Every child a new creation washed in Savior’s blessed blood. For his broken ones, the ransom price to pay.
Father God your mighty power fills our hearts and stirs our souls, Gives us strength to rise and lift our hearts in praise. Sets our steps along the pathway onto Zion’s shining shore, Living out with our Messiah endless days.
We now stand united in our Savior’s purpose, For the joy now set before each hardened soul. Calling sinners to the feast – Where the greatest is the least – And the lost are in his Spirit now made whole.
Love the greatest of our callings for the Kingdom, Saved by grace we sing together now as One, As your children we can share – Every hope and every prayer – Joining with our Savior, God’s eternal Son.
We united, undivided, all our praise a living prayer, Songs of passion, now we fashion, bringing hope to man’s despair. Gladly singing, anthems ringing, hymns we raise into the air, God forever, ceasing never, all our love we now declare.
We will march along the narrow way with gladness, Seeking souls and healing hearts in need of hope. Sharing life and love so true – In the Kingdom ever new – In eternity in length and breadth and scope.
Dearest children lift your prayers to God our Savior, Praise the One who took your sins upon the tree. God’s eternal, perfect Son – Now in him we stand as one – Raise your voice and celebrate our victory!
Song of Joy
O Son of Man and Son of God,
A little lower than the angels, yet He trod
Upon the earth, to save His seed,
And spoke eternal Truth in sacred word and deed.
O suffering Son, Whose blood ran down,
Who took the cruel scourge and wore the thorny crown.
And rose again, to free the lost,
The One who gave His life to pay the greatest cost.
So sing as one and lift your hands,
For we have come to hold as true His Great Commands.
In joy we rise and offer love,
As God indwells the living praise we raise above.
We shall press on until the day,
When He our every tear shall gently wipe away.
Forevermore to see His Face,
And live within the Kingdom touched by purest Grace.
Oh God of hosts to you we raise,
One voice united in an endless hymn of praise.
Your chosen race holy and free,
We stand before your throne around the glassy sea.
We join the saints in festive throng,
And with the angels offer up our sacred song.
The One who saves has come to dwell,
Within the hearts He rescued from the depths of hell.
O Shepherd King with staff and rod,
Who leads His weary sheep into the fold of God.
In pastures green by waters stilled,
Our cup it overflows until our souls are filled.
Our mansion home eternal keep,
Secured for us by love and mercy O so deep.
Built on the Rock, our Cornerstone,
A sure foundation for the King's eternal throne.
Song for the Sinless Lamb
Despised, rejected and forlorn,
The very reason you were born,
To bear the burden of our race,
And walk the road of Calvary to take our place.
Beneath the cross of sin and shame,
The scoffers dared to curse your name,
Yet darker still than blackest day,
To see your children turn their blinded eyes away.
Chorus Three...
Oh Son of man, silent and sure,
You bore the scourge and crown and shed your blood so pure,
The suff’ring One from whom men hide,
The perfect gift of love, the sinless lamb who died.
Sealed in the tomb your broken form,
The curtain rent by Spirit’s storm,
Yielded your soul with dying breath,
And opened up the gates of heaven by your death.
The third day past, the vict'ry won,
Arose again, the Glorious Son,
O you the Life, the Truth, the Way,
The reason why we lift our choruses this day.
Chorus Four…
Oh conquering Lord, in pow’r and might,
You brought the day of perfect rest from darkest night,
Restored to stand at Father’s side,
The perfect gift of love, the sinless lamb who died.
(Repeat Chorus One)
We come to pray, we come to share,
To lift our praise, lay every care,
Before the throne of Christ the King,
To Him we raise our joyful voices as we sing.
Our words cannot describe your name,
Our deeds fall short of your acclaim,
How can we ever hope to serve,
And offer you the life of love that you deserve.
Chorus One...
Oh Perfect Grace. holy, profound,
To save the wretched human race God’s Son came down,
And on that cross they crucified,
The perfect gift of love, the sinless lamb who died.
Your spoken words myst’ries revealed,
To teach the ones your Spirit sealed,
Your tender touch and healing hand,
Restored the sick and calmed the seas at your command.
You walked the road your children trod,
Displayed to all the face of God,
You wept for sin and pain and strife,
And offered up your flesh, the holy Bread of Life.
Chorus Two…
Oh Brother God, tempted and tired,
Your parables of life and love our souls inspired,
The servant King, the God who cried,
The perfect gift of love, the sinless lamb who died.
I Was There
As you hung upon the crossbeam,
Purest love now flowed so true,
Crying, “Father, please forgive them,
For they know not what they do!”
All your words were living water,
All your deeds a living sign,
Given freely for salvation,
For the debt that once was mine…
And our every sin and sorrow,
Every hunger, every thirst,
Was all satisfied in you Lord,
Who had loved us from the first…
At the Supper, in the Garden,
As you hung upon the tree,
In your mind and heart now holding,
All your children, even me.
For I was there!
I was there, when you calmed the stormy sea,
I was there, when you groaned upon the tree,
I was there, when you gave your life for me,
Every moment I was there,
All my burden yours to bear,
Lord I know your tender care…
for I was there…
I was there…
I was there!
Upper room with your companions,
Men you chose to be your own,
Spoken words of love and comfort
Facing now your death alone…
Shared the bread and wine in sorrow,
Washing feet as though a slave,
Sent to heal and born to suffer,
Servant King who came to save…
I was there, when you offered up the bread,
I was there, when your hungry flock you fed,
I was there, when you raised us from the dead,
Set our feet on higher ground,
Spirit’s breath, the sweetest sound,
May our praise here now resound…
for I was there!
Lying prostrate in the Garden,
Here the living olive press,
All man’s sins are laid upon you,
Bloody sweat and dark distress…
Drinking freely of our sorrows,
Truest friend now stands betrayed,
All your followers are scattered,
Cold denial, blood price paid…
I was there, sword to sheathe and seed to sow,
I was there, bitter tears and rooster crow,
I was there, when the cup you took to show…
That our victory was won,
By God’s One and Only Son,
Now in Him we stand as One…
for I was there!
Standing silent at your trial,
Mocking laughter, bitter rage,
Eyes so blind and ears unhearing,
Solemn drama, heaven’s stage…
Crowds are shouting, “Crucify Him!”
Bearing full the crushing load,
On the road of execution,
Heaven’s plan you now unfold…
I was there, when you spoke with fiery scorn,
I was there, savage whip and bloody thorn,
I was there, on that fateful early morn,
When my savior bled and died,
When the women stood and cried,
When my Lord they Crucified…
for I was there!
You Set Me Free
Silent soul in prison deep, Destined for death's sinful sleep. Rescued from my wicked state, Snatched from hell's unyielding gate.
Wretched one in bondage torn, Weak and weary, wounded, worn. Blinded by my sin and shame, Dared to speak the Savior's name!
Seeking soul, alone and lost, 'Tis for me you paid the cost. Spread your arms upon the tree, By your death you set me free.
I the chief of sinners know, You descended here below. In your ove you sought me out, Raised this child from hate and doubt.
Savior King, Your blood so Pure, What could make my end so sure? Only love's great sacrifice, Paid this sinner's ransom price.
Seeking soul, alone and lost, 'Tis for me you paid the cost. Spread your arms upon the tree, By your death you set me free.
So will I be ever blessed, Grateful heart within my chest. Beating hopeful, evermore, For my King at Heaven's door…
…Heaven’s Door!
Seeking soul, alone and lost, 'Tis for me you paid the cost. Spread your arms upon the tree, By your death you set me free.
I the chief of sinners know, You descended here below. In your love you sought me out, Raised this child from hate and doubt…
…From hate and doubt…and doubt!
…At Heaven’s door!
Psalm 8 (How Majestic Is Your Name)
How majestic is your name, O holy Father, mighty Lord, We proclaim your pow’r and might throughout the earth. For your glory you have set above the highest heaven’s reach, And the skies declare your matchless mighty worth.
From the mouths of infant children you establish strength and might, How their quiet cries reveal your holy will. All your enemies now tremble at your humble glory shown, Now the lips of the avenger have grown still.
When I look upon the heavens, all your handiwork displayed. How the moon and stars you fixed within their place. Lord I know that you are mindful of my life and all its works, As I read this wondrous letter of your grace.
Oh your majesty it captures me and sets my spirit free, I am stilled within my soul as it observes. All your wonders as they speak of heaven’s awesome holy light, Granting more than this poor sinner’s heart deserves.
Who are we, O Mighty Maker, that you sent your only Son? Why should I, the son of man, receive your care? Jesus, lower than the angels, yet with honor he is crowned. With dominion, ruling earth, and sea, and air.
His authority is known by all creation on the earth, For all life securely dwells beneath his feet. All the cattle, all the fish, and all the birds that fill the sky, Every creature here below the Mercy Seat.
O Dear Father God I praise you, lifting hands to heaven’s realms, Giving glory to your awesome holy might. As my eyes behold your wonders, may my heart here now resolve, To surrender to the glory of your light.
And may every breath within me now proclaim your wondrous deeds, For the Son who here descended from on high. Let the glory of your splendor now enslave my beating heart, As I praise the One who came to earth to die.
1 Corinthians 13 (Love is Patient, Love is Kind)
Every spoken word and prophecy will vanish,
Every partial truth and treasure pass away,
For the perfect comes in stride, childish ways are cast aside,
And forever we will live His endless day.
There are virtues three that will remain forever,
It is faith and hope and love that will endure,
But the greatest one of these, brings each sinner to his knees,
Is the love that died to be sin's perfect cure!
So I'll take Him at His Word and there surrender,
To the love that bled and died upon the tree,
No more foolish common sense, no more living in pretense,
For there's only one salvation fit for me.
There’s a beating in my heart that comes from heaven,
And a fire within these eyes that's touched by Grace,
For the strength within this frame and my new eternal name,
Come from One who left a throne to take my place.
If I speak in tongues of earthly men or angels,
I am clearly just a noisy, clanging gong,
If I fathom myst'ries vast, spend my life unto the last,
But if I don't love, I sing an empty song.
If I give myself to shame and persecution,
Or have faith to hurl a mountain to the sea,
But if love is lacking still, there's an empty place to fill,
And I live for no one else but only me.
Love is patient, Love is kind,
Doesn't have a boastful mind,
And it never will insist on its own course,
It's not selfish, sad or rude,
Hurtful, envious or crude,
For it bears all things and seeks its sacred source.
The Names of Jesus
You're the hand that touched our sorrows,
You're the hope for all tomorrows,
You're the healer and the giver of new life.
You inhabit all our praises,
In the end your power raises,
Mortal flesh to resurrection, ending strife.
Over nations you are standing
Hosts of heaven you're commanding,
In your hand you hold the universe so vast.
You will come again in glory,
To complete your saving story,
You're the Alpha and Omega, First to Last.
You're the Godhead, full of splendor
You're my solid, strong defender,
And I rest upon the Rock, my Cornerstone.
Heaven cannot hold this treasure,
And your worth is beyond measure,
You're the One creation's heart has always known.
You’re my sight and you're my vision,
You're the Lord of no division,
You're the Power and the Majesty on High.
You're my Savior, you're my brother,
You are God, there is no other,
Who would come to earth to suffer and to die.
You are loving, you're forgiving,
You are water, ever-living,
You're the source of strength and joy within my soul.
You're the One I'm always seeking,
You're the Word that's ever speaking,
You're my purpose and my everlasting goal.
You're the Lamb who went to slaughter,
To redeem each son and daughter,
You're the Shepherd of the Sheep and you are good.
You're the Vine and you're the Grower,
You're the Seed and you're the Sower,
And you nurture as no other ever could.
You're the Great I Am, the Wonder,
And you speak with words of thunder,
You're the One whose voice can calm the stormy sea.
You're the Prince of Peace, forever,
You're the Spirit ceasing never,
You have been and are and evermore shall be!
You're the lamp that's ever guiding
Spirit Song with us abiding,
And you hold us as the apple of your eye.
You're the fragrance that is lifting,
You're the harvester who's sifting,
Wheat from chaff, your chosen race to purify.
Coffee Break
We have come here to this haven heavy-laden with the world,
We have entered in as travelers on the Way,
Warmth and words have now revived us, deep inside us, set us free,
And we journey on as family today…
Songs of angels, whispered wishes, gentle prayers and deepest praise,
Here within this fragile family, living out our faith-filled days,
Seeking strength in common purpose, standing firm against the foe,
Nourished now with Word and Worship, faith to faith and seed to grow.
As the notes become an echo in the quiet of this pause,
As we join in love united to our Master’s truest cause,
May we seek the strength of sharing in the cup filled full of grace,
May we gather on another day here in this sacred space.
Repeat Chorus twice…
If you’re weary from the journey, come and rest a while to be,
Where our cup is full of wisdom and the refills always free.
In a room that shines with firelight from a candle’s gentle glow,
As the songs of rescued poets speak of love we now bestow.
Faith and friendship at our table, simple smiles to give and hold,
Sharing quiet conversation, memories made and stories told,
Breaking bread with worthy brothers, dearest sisters, faithful friends,
Sweet communion, celebration of the life that never ends.
Come and break from the journey, taste the joy and drink it up.
Leave your sorrows in the bottom with the grounds inside your cup.
For the melody sings sweetly, and the words ring oh so true,
There’s a spot here at our table, and we’ve saved it just for you.
Troubled child alone and fearful, hidden hurts within the heart,
Poet pouring out a story, pain’s demise and brand new start,
Moving moment, poignant presence, sitting safe in Love’s embrace,
Finding freedom in surrender, sweet redeemer’s saving grace.
Gentle touch upon a shoulder, tender words to soothe the soul,
Love and laughter meeting heartache, empty days are now made whole,
Finding friendship on the journey, sharing songs of life restored,
Voices raised in praise of mercy, to a sweet and gentle Lord.
Isaiah 55 (Seek the Lord of Hosts)
Oh my thirsty children come unto the waters, And the one who has no money come to buy. Seek the banquet where the feasting is abounding, In the Kingdom of the Lord our God on High.
For the word like milk will sooth the seeking infant, And the wine of gladness cheer the weary soul. Seek the food that satisfies and brings refreshment, Take delight as you partake and are made whole.
Seek the Lord of Hosts while he is ever waiting, Call upon his name while he is drawing near. Let the wicked man forsake his wrongful thinking, Leave his ways and now return from sin and fear.
For our God in love will offer up his pardon, For his thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are his ways. As the heavens rise above the earth in splendor, May we now ascend to live our endless days.
How the rain and snow fall softly from the heavens, Bringing grain and wine to spring up from the earth. Giving seed to sow and bread to feed the hungry, Giving to our God his glory and great worth.
As the waters now accomplish heaven’s purpose, So may we be led to live in boundless peace. May the thorn be now replaced with mighty cypress, And the glory of our Maker never cease.
Father may your word accomplish your great purpose, May your will be done in every human heart. Let the mountains and the hills break forth in singing, And Lord, never may this holy sign depart.
Mighty God, your name shall sound throughout the ages, In a covenant of grace and true delight. For as David’s life, becomes our holy witness, May the nations stream as one toward the light.
The Narrow Road
There is a road, its path is trodden by the few,
A narrow road, with heaven's vistas in its view,
I walk the road and see my journey's joyful end,
For on that road I met my Savior and my friend.
And though each step may surely try me, I still know the Way is true,
For on that road my Savior died for me and you.
Oh, can I walk the way to Calvary, can I follow to the cross,
Wear the yoke of joyful slavery, bear the light and easy load?
There is One who left a throne room and considered all a loss,
To give me grace and mercy on the Narrow Road!
And when I fall, a brother lends his sturdy hand,
A sister's words can soothe my soul and help me stand,
For in the bond that true believers truly share,
We find our voice to utter praise and offer prayer.
For there is power in the journey giving life to all we do,
The power of the One who died for me and you.
The years have brought me times of joy and times of woe,
His grace it lights the path and points the way to go,
It shines upon the narrow road before my feet,
And blinds the enemy hell-bent on my defeat.
The light it shines within my heart a brilliant, bloody crimson hue,
The color of the blood He shed for me and you.
There's life and death and discipline along the narrow road,
There's laughter, love and tears and treasure too.
Dear Lord, of all the lessons learned, there's one that always will remain,
I know I'm traveling this narrow road with you!
And when the end of my life's journey shall arrive,
When one last hill remains that I have yet to strive,
And all the vigor of my youth has left my frame,
Please give me strength to move a mountain in your name!
For it is only by His Spirit we press on to follow through,
To where our Savior gave His life for me and you!
Chorus Two...
Oh, has my journey to the cross been worth the pain that I have borne?
Have I run the race with courage, reaped the harvest that I sowed,
In my Savior's eyes I see the shades of Resurrection Morn,
The journey's end upon His perfect Narrow Road!
Psalm 111
Your wonders you summon again to our minds,
For yours is compassion and righteousness true,
As we stand in reverence and pure, holy fear,
For all that we need is established in you.
We see the power of your mighty works,
You the inheritance from many lands,
Your covenant shown, so faithful and just
Your workings are steadfast, and faithful and right,
Redemption provided, your Glory our gain,
Ordained from eternity, awesome to hold,
Your promise established, forever you reign.
Fear, the foundation of Wisdom and Praise,
Those who will follow your precepts can see,
Your vision is true, your power will last
I praise you my Father with all of my heart,
With all of my heart I will lift up your name,
Within the assembly the upright will stand,
Extolling the One who is ever the same.
Great are your works and majestic your deeds,
Pondered by all who in you take delight
Your Righteousness lives, your Glory endures
The Fear of the Lord is my Wisdom,
The deeds of the Lord, my delight,
Forever I lift up my sweet song of praise,
To the One who is Faithful and Right…
Your power and precepts are perfect,
Poured down on the righteous who shine,
Your covenant given, ordained from above,
Awesome and holy, eternally mine!
Forever New
O Holy Breath, our God made flesh, Eternal Word,
Our saving song, the sweetest sound we’ve ever heard.
O purest love who to the earth in meekness came,
We take delight as we proclaim your holy name.
O Saving Son, The Son of God, The Son of Man,
You formed our race within the grace of your great plan.
You stretched your hands in sacrifice upon the cross,
And with your dying you redeemed our sin and loss.
Who am I that love so deep should touch my tortured soul?
Why should you my Savior pure descend to make me whole?
I am so unworthy, yet – you poured your love on me!
Drew me to the cross so that your blood could set me free!
Deeper still than darkest night and brighter than the sun!
With your dying I am healed and with your people one!
You are wholly perfect, yet – I now belong to you!
Part of your great family, and now forever new!
My Savior true your death it rent the veil in two,
My heart as well you rent when I was filled with you.
For I was blind and deaf and lame, yet now I’m healed,
And in your Spirit I am now forever sealed.
How can I now ignore your call, it will remain,
To live is Christ and one day death will be my gain.
So I will share your Word and Gospel all my days,
And marvel in the wonder of your perfect ways.
So children come and join the feast in Heaven’s hall,
And meet the One who saved you from the crippling fall.
For you are lost and laden down with sin’s remorse,
Yet in His arms your future hope has set its course.
O Living Word come touch these souls in need of you,
And bring each child to live in peace where life is new.
So they like I can know the wonder of your peace,
And live as one where love and joy shall never cease.
Death to Darkness, Raised to Reigning
Silently slipping in solemn surrender, Quietly questioning curious cause. Memories muting and words now rewriting, Priceless precision and powerful pause…
I am no longer a loner, a loser, Plagued by my problems, purposely poor. Destitute, driven by dead sinner’s prayer, Graveside gives way to a deep open door…
Chorus One…
I am dying to the darkness, to the depths of despair, No more crying, voices harken, bid me follow who knows where. But the prelude is a promise of a kingdom yet to shine, Of an everlasting daybreak in the realm of the divine!
Where there once was cold confusion, now a light shines bright and clear, Wholly blinding, ever binding my new soul now free from fear. Song of suffering broken body rises up in life anew, For I’ve risen from my ruin and discovered only you!
Why for so long did I suffer this hunger? What were the reasons for seasons of pain? I cannot fathom the wisdom that guided, All of my sorrows that poured down like rain!
I cannot even remember the former, It stands suspended in angels’ refrains. Finding my freedom in fragrant new garden, Kissed by the Son, golden child now remains!
Chorus Two…
What a privilege, what a promise, such salvation covers me, Clothed in splendor, love so tender, robes the remnant that I see. Holy heaven, exultation, adoration without end, Brother Savior, Bridegroom waiting, calls me child and calls me friend.
I once paused on mighty mountain, nearly naked, without hope, Heart now captured, body trembling on that dark and slipp’ry slope. ‘Till the Savior whispered, “Come now, leave your burdens all behind!” Fallow failings fell down trembling, rose renewed in soul and mind!
There is a promise so precious and whole, Broke through my reason, and ransomed my soul. Saved me from sinful unholy remorse, Captured and carried me home to my source.
Tell me the tale of the One who could speak, Life to the weary, strength to the weak. Bread for the broken, words filled with pow’r, Ever embracing his heavenly hour.
Chorus Three…
Shout with gladness, leave the madness of a living filled with pain, Grasp the greatness, of the meekness crushed in chaos, raised to reign. Sing forever to the Savior who will lead us to the feast, Where the table is turned over to the broken and the least.
No more sorrow, no more struggle, no more longing, no more sting, Death is conquered, Satan vanquished, vict’ry won as angels sing. Savior sits in sacred union with his people, now restored, They forever face his goodness, they his children he their Lord!
No more sorrow, no more struggle, no more longing, no more sting, Death is conquered, Satan vanquished, vict’ry won as angels sing. Savior sits in sacred union with his people, now restored, They forever face his goodness, they his children he their Lord!
Standing Strong with God Our Savior
In His name I see your heart through heaven's vision,
There's no way to hide the beauty in your soul.
We are joined in this our glorious salvation,
Though we once were broken He has made us whole!
No more sorrow, no more living with the nightmare,
We are made a new creation by His grace,
Though the world may try to test us by its hatred,
We now dwell where we will ever see His face.
Chorus Three...
Welcome brother, welcome sister to the family,
Where we stand as one against the enemy.
For despite the many arrows he may send you,
In our Savior we are safe and we are free.
Seek His strength to face the challenges of living,
Seek His love to bear the trials and the pain,
We will share the narrow road towards the city,
Where our Savior, risen now, will always reign!
Where our Savior, risen now, will always reign!
To the one who woke this morning weak and weary,
Night of darkness, demons, distance and despair,
To the one who has to face the day in sorrow,
Cold rejection, cruel taunting, words unfair.
Though the spitting tongues of vipers spew their venom,
And their ceaseless slashing words may tear your soul,
They can never break the inner child inside you.
If you set before your eyes another goal.
Chorus One...
Seek the path that leads towards the crucifixion,
Where the One who bears your burdens laid them down.
Look upon the Suffering Servant, Man of Sorrows,
It is He who bore your pain and won your crown.
In His wounds He holds each moment of your suff'ring,
And the taunting you've endured rests on His brow,
For the worst of human cruelty could not break Him,
And the deepest, darkest grave is empty now!
Dearest child He knows each moment of your suff’ring,
He has numbered every hair upon your head,
Though you think Him distant, No! He's right beside you,
As you bleed, remember, for your pain He bled.
When the world believes you've finally lost the battle,
And can never see the beauty deep inside,
Just remember that the Savior loves His children,
And to save you is the reason that He died.
Chorus Two...
Fall before the One who fell for you at Calv'ry,
Let Him take your pain and burdens far away.
Rise with Him as we await our Resurrection,
Look with hope upon the promised Judgment Day.
For He's sealed you in His heart in heaven's ledger,
There's a place for you beside His mighty throne,
Take your stand against the ones who will discard you,
For the Son of God your life has made his own!
Psalm 19 (The Law of the Lord is So Perfect)
The heavens declare the great glory of God, The skies shout his glorious deeds. Your speech they proclaim Day by Day, End to End, At night your great wisdom proceeds.
The wicked hear not of your wonderful words, Your voice seeks its line on the earth. To measure the hearts of the wicked and good, Proclaiming your honor and worth.
The law of the Lord is so perfect and true, Reviving my soul’s holy sight. You testify truth and the simple are wise, Your precepts are wondrous and right.
So pure your commands, they enlighten our eyes, Your laws they are righteous and sure. Our hearts, they desire your teachings like gold, Your fear to the end will endure.
The sun like a bridegroom arises at dawn, To shine on the earth with its light, It circles the heavens and races with joy, Proclaiming the Lord’s holy might.
The east to the west, like an envoy it runs, And nothing is hid from its heat. Completing its circuit at God’s great command, A champion that none can defeat.
Like drippings of honey, your laws, my reward, And by them, your servant you warn. A gracious reward to the faithful and just, In whom now your Spirit is born.
My errors reveal and my faults now declare, My heart keep from darkness and sin. Hold not, Lord, my soul in dominion and dread, And blameless may I be within.
Your Mighty Healing Love
Living waters swept me up,
Your grace my portion and my cup.
Overflowed into my soul,
As I consumed you made me whole.
Chorus…Plunged in water, raised anew,
My sins forgiven all by you.
All my life you’ll be my guide,
My Savior standing by my side.
As I travel on this road,
You share your light and easy load.
I will ever walk with you,
On heaven’s shores where life is new.
When I’m lost and all alone, You are the One I’ve always known. When the darkness covers me, Your purest light will set me free.
In my shame, your grace restores, For in the storm you’re heaven’s shores. Broken heart your love will mend, From First to Last, until the end.
Jesus Master, Holy brother, You are Savior, there’s no other. Draw me nearer my strong tower, Show your love and your great power.
I can never come to measure, Such a pure and perfect treasure, Sent to earth from heav’n above… Your Mighty Healing Love!
No more sorrow or regret,
For you have paid the greatest debt.
Hung upon the sin-cursed tree,
The punishment reserved for me.
Never More Beautiful
For all that matters to your soul my Love, means just as much to me,
It’s all been filtered through my mighty, loving hand,
So bring your pain and desperation, Dear, and I will set you free,
And we will walk like lovers to the Promised Land…
The day begins again, the trials remain, the pain is only passing through,
But Darling don’t you know your scars will heal, so steal my joyful love for you,
And walk the burning pathway through the fire, desire the better holy place,
And one day maybe they will see the light, and bright will be your precious face.
So take my gentle hand and walk the road, your load no longer weighs you down,
And trade your cuts and scars for love instead; your head deserves a saintly crown,
You will press on to win the holy prize your eyes have now begun to see,
And live the perfect promise now that speaks and seeks to set your spirit free.
No matter where the road may lead, come walk my way,
For love is spilling out from deep within your soul,
And there will be an even better, brighter day,
And in the end I promise Love, you’ll be made whole.
Chorus Three...
Pick up the precious Word and let its healing fill you,
To feed you bread, to guide you on the narrow road,
Come feel the Spirit’s breath and let His whisp’rings still you,
And fan to life the flame and break this heavy load.
You’re a seed your Savior Sowed…
‘Cause when the two of us connect where it still matters,
It’s more profound than any single heart could know,
It’s in surrender that the mask you’re wearing shatters,
And you feel free to let your inner spirit flow -
And you never are more beautiful…than when you let it show…
Oh Love, you never are more beautiful…than when you let it show!
She’s just a lonely girl, her hair and dress a mess, so lost, or so it seems,
She walks the halls alone, and no one there will care to hear her silent screams,
Up in her room, her tow’r, she locks away this day of pain and self-abuse,
She lifts the blade and cries, as she looks for one more sad suicide excuse...
She’ll write a sonnet on her tender skin, her sin the only voice that’s real,
As drops of scarlet fall like dirty rain, the pain to cut her deadly deal,
Will she one fateful day just go too far, a star that falls from blackest sky,
Will they find her when morning they awake and shake their heads as they ask why...
Her desperation cries within her pounding heart,
As she looks to the sky for some celestial sign,
And in the darkest hour she lays like broken art,
She’s just so sick and tired of saying she’s just fine.
Chorus One...
Put down the knife and rise again my precious daughter,
The mirror of your life is full of shadowed lies,
But look inside where I’m refreshing Living Water,
And let me come and dry your soulful salt-worn eyes -
Don’t you ever compromise…
‘Cause when the two of us connect where it still matters,
It’s more profound than any single heart could know,
It’s in surrender that the mask you’re wearing shatters,
And you feel free to let your inner spirit flow -
And you never are more beautiful…than when you let it show…
The moment passes now, her heart is still, to will away the daily trial,
Once more she’ll cover up her scars, replace her face with her synthetic smile,
And as she stands up to another day to pay the cost of her betrayal,
She’ll guard her beating heart with tender care and stare the world down through her veil...
And yet that tender voice within her sings and brings a gentle ray of hope,
That her dark pain will one day cease, release her soul and she will cope,
And so she presses on, to win the prize her eyes can now begin to see,
For there’s a perfect promise now that speaks and seeks to set her spirit free...
No matter what the day may bring she holds the line,
For hope is burning once again within her soul,
It’s not a thing that she can easily define,
But all she knows is that she longs to be made whole.
Chorus Two...
The race is slow but I am with you as you travel,
I’ll be with you to help you reach your journey’s end,
So let the pain and purpose for your life unravel,
And seek to find the God who longs to be your friend.
Like a reed you need to bend...
‘Cause when the two of us connect where it still matters,
It’s more profound than any single heart could know,
It’s in surrender that the mask you’re wearing shatters,
And you feel free to let your inner spirit flow -
And you never are more beautiful…than when you let it show…
He Speaks to Me
Daylight comes with sorrow and repression, Cannot see the glory in the Dawn. Nighttime follows with its dark expression, Draining all my strength to carry on.
Wondering if I can even bear my sin and shame, Wondering if anybody even knows my name.
Seeking solace in a moment of surrender, Nowhere else to turn to mediate my pain. Searching for a voice that’s holy, pure and tender, Still and solemn to restore my soul again.
He speaks to me – from the Garden where he lay, Prostrate on the ground in bloody agony. Drinking of the cup of sorrows for the ones who cast Him down, Rising up again to face the cross for me.
He speaks to me – Savior risen from the grave, All my emptiness is swallowed in His Love, Hope ascends to highest heaven; eyes are opened to His Light, Flooding in my soul, descending from above.
Help me close my mind to this illusion, Help me close my heart to Evil's rage. May I draw this glorious conclusion, May my name be written on His page.
Can it be that Love so pure could dwell among the lost? Can it be that Grace so vast would pay the greatest cost?
True Love’s Patience faced the trial and the treason, Took the scourging, bore the nails and the crown. I will never grasp the wisdom or the reason, Why the Son took flesh and to the earth came down.
Joy abounding, Hope now flowing from the fountain of His Grace, All the tears once shed in silence wiped away, Laughter leaping from the passion of a heart now set on fire. Newborn child stands to greet an endless day!
What a gift to be forgiven by my Maker’s Son, What a joy to join the chosen in the Vict’ry won!
Final Chorus…
He speaks to me... and I cannot comprehend, How the Son of God could deem me worthy still, As He pours His everlasting love upon my thirsty soul, And I walk the golden path within His will.
He speaks to me...and I echo in my soul, What redemption has rebirthed and now I praise. As I live a life of purpose guided by the Spirit's Truth, Speaking power in this anthem now I raise!
(Repeat Final Chorus…)
Lead Us to the Royal Feast
Oh my people, hear my teaching, I speak in riddles from of old, Mysteries here now unfolding, Parables to be retold…
I declared my laws to Jacob, Establishing my Word to stand, Told to each new generation, I have come to take the land!
As I led you from your bondage, With plague and wonder, sign and trial, So too now I come in vengeance, Scorching heat and bloody Nile!
We the scorned here now redeemed by blood poured out upon the cross, Sins forgiven, we your people stand and wait for that Great Day!
We will hear that one Word spoken, vanquishing the enemy, Into glory, marching onward, following the Victor’s Way!
Come and save us – Lord restore us! Speak the Word and still the Beast! Come take captive, Holy Zion, Lead us to the royal feast!Jacob’s fortunes reinstated, Yahweh’s favor now restored, Streaming now to Zion’s temple, Worshipping our mighty Lord!
Teach us as you taught your servants, May we walk in truth and light, Live with hearts now undivided, Guided by our Savior’s sight!
God with us here now to dwell, Sabbath’s rest and judgment throne, Every tear a fading memory, Steps upheld from stumbling stone!
Alpha and Omega stands, First to Last and end to end, Brightest star of purest morning, shadows burned within its rays,
Golden city, down from heaven, we will witness with delight! Drinking freely, sparkling water, life eternal, endless days!
Come and save us – Lord restore us! Speak the Word and still the Beast! Come take captive, Holy Zion, Lead us to the royal feast!
Yes Lord! Come take captive, Holy Zion, Lead us to the royal feast!
Not in Homage, But So Humble
Far beyond the clouds the call is heard in heaven, Child of Zion lift your hands and now rejoice. King of kings has come to seek the holy hour, So with one Hosanna, lift your joyful voice.
Long awaited Lord, with mighty, royal bearing, Yet in true humility he enters in. Riding now a beast of burden, colt unbroken, Bringing hope to cancel death’s strong grip of sin.
Chorus 1… See the humble servant King who came to earth his song to sing, Not in homage, but so humble, sword of faith to slay death’s sting. Weeps alone for dear Jerusalem, who casts her eyes away, Vicious trial now before him, bitter price of sin to pay.
Chosen people waiting silently, your mighty King is here, Will you close your eyes to love so pure and majesty so dear? Will you now reject the one who healed the sick and calmed the sea? For he comes to give his very life for you upon the rugged tree.
People lifting branches high to hail Messiah, Lay their cloaks upon the path and raise their cry. Gladdened hearts now shout “Hosanna in the highest!” Welcome now the King who enters in to die.
For in days to come their shouts will turn to madness, As our King will face the hour of his trial. There, a mob enraged will call for Crucifixion, His the journey of the cross to reconcile.
Chorus 2… Oh My Savior why did they your chosen people not believe? Were their eyes so blinded they could not our humble King receive? Such a triumph here before them, riding forth to save our race, Man of sorrows, born to suffer, yet they spat upon your face.
Holy Brother, please forgive us for our wicked, sinful lies, Lord we thank you that your love removed the scales from our eyes. We will raise our hands in worship, for redemption that is true, And with glad and humble hearts submit our love to only you.
On this day we celebrate the joyous entry, Praise the Son who Sorrow’s Path in vict’ry trod, May we open up our hearts to now receive him, Our Messiah, King, the holy Son of God!
Chorus 3… See our humble servant King who came to earth his song to sing, Not in homage, but so humble, sword of faith to end death’s sting. Lord we wait for our salvation and our true eternal rest, Where within your holy mansion we are welcomed as your guest.
Oh, our holy perfect Bridegroom, who redeemed our sinful race, Who took up the cross and suffered to deliver us in grace. Jesus, man of sorrows, riding in to suffer and to die, We will now forever praise you, as we lift your name on high.
Psalm 27 (The Lord Is My Light)
Oh the Lord, he is my light and my salvation, In him I stand, and I will never walk in fear. He the refuge of my life, Journey’s end to every strife, My song that rises to your throne and heaven’s ear.
Evil men assail me with their lies and falsehood, My flesh to tear and my pure soul to now devour. Foes and adversaries all, They will stumble and will fall, Though war breaks out, my confidence is in his pow’r.
There is one thing that I seek from God my Savior, One appeal that fills my heart with joy and awe. That within his holy house I may inquire, And behold the beauty of his perfect law.
Though the evildoers set their camp against me, And their armies set their hearts to war and strife. I will rest secure and fear no one against me, And will offer to the Lord my very life.
Hide me Lord within the shelter of your glory, In the day of trouble be not far away. Come conceal me in your fold, And my life Lord come take hold, Lead me to the Rock my refuge and my stay.
Though my enemies surround me to defeat me, I will lift my head and heart to Zion’s Light. I will offer sacrifice, To the One who paid the price, Who will face the foe and win the godly fight.
Hear O Lord, this child who cries aloud for vengeance, Let your gracious love pour down upon my head. You have said, “Come seek my face.” and I will answer, I indeed will seek the path where you have led.
Cast me not away, your servant, in your anger, And forsake me not when I call out your name. O my God, my help, my comfort and salvation, Draw me in and rescue me from sin and shame.
I believe that I shall look upon your goodness, In the land of living streams and holy light. Where I rest secure and follow in your pathway, Seeking love and goodness and your perfect sight.
Though my father and my mother should forget me, I know God, my Father, hears my ev’ry plea. He will teach me all my days, Guide my steps along his ways, He my Savior who has set my spirit free.
Teach me Lord to seek the way of love’s perfection, Set my feet upon the straight and narrow way. When my enemies rise up to now accuse me, I will wait to see salvation’s holy day.
Hide me in the shelter of your love and longing, May my life become an off’ring to your love. Lift me high upon the Rock of my salvation, Raise me to your holy heaven up above.
The Good Thief
On a night as black as sorrow, Thick with hatred and despair, No more moments left to borrow, Death’s dark sentence mine to bear.
Crushing weight upon my shoulder, Bloody wounds upon my skin, Wind around me getting colder, Demon spirits closing in.
Sighing, Crying! My Flesh dying! Shallow grave is calling, every step still falling! Bleeding! Pleading! Hell is Feeding! Nowhere left for turning, soon my soul is burning!
This is how it feels when my life is over, This is how it feels when my soul is lost! Never knew the weight of my damning choices, Never did consider what my sin might cost!
Is there anyone who will save me from drowning? Can my soul be salvaged; will I find release? Looking now in terror, how my heart is pounding! Darkness now surrounds me, there is no more peace!
In my guilt I’m suffocating, How the shame surrounds my soul, All my sin is not abating, Sinking deeper in this hole.
Lifted up to face the jeering, And the taunting crowd’s mad cries! See a man, his face appearing, Tears of sorrow in his eyes!
Crowd is screaming! He redeeming! He is not reproaching! Darkness now approaching! Ever-living! Now Forgiving! In the midst of violence, All around is silence!
Now I comprehend who it is beside me, Now my only hope is my only choice! Lifting up my head I am pleading for mercy, Far above the crowd I can hear his voice!
Paradise is offered while my soul surrenders. Feel my soul forgiven, weight of sin released. Looking now in love as my Savior suffers, All my guilt has ended; sorrow now has ceased!
Now the sky is dark and dreading, As the soldiers scream in fear, Yet I know where I am heading, As the grip of death draws near.
Life is draining, legs are broken, Searing pain, I sink in death, Heaven’s plan has now been spoken, Drawing now my final breath.
People fleeing! Now I’m Seeing! Heaven’s gates are calling! In His arms I’m falling! Life forever! Ceasing never! Standing with my brother, I will love no other!
How can I explain what my soul discovered? How can I repay what his love secured? Lifting up a prayer at the throne of mercy, Grateful for the joy that His love procured.
Listen now and wonder at such salvation, Hurry and surrender while the day is here. Suddenly Our God will descend with vengeance, Come and find your freedom from every fear!
Praise the Holy, Broken King
Morning breaks, the rising sun, Speaks of Mercy’s vict’ry won. Hope now dawns within my heart, Shades of sorrow now depart.
For salvation’s servant King, Conquered death’s unyielding sting. Spread his arms upon the tree, By His blood He set us free.
Scarred and stricken, wounds and pain, Hate, rejection, death’s refrain. Bore our sorrows, faced the grave, Broken souls of men to save.
We like sheep had gone astray, Parted from the Narrow Way. But for God’s unending care, Man would suffer Hell’s despair.
How can any soul contend, (With) Love it cannot comprehend? Blood poured out upon the ground, Grace unearned and love unbound.
Crushed for man’s iniquity, By His death our souls are free. Christ commands the curse to cease, His chastisement now our peace.
How we marvel at the sight, Darkness vanquished by the Light, Raise your voice and ever sing, Praise the holy, broken King.
Pierced for sin, the silent Son, Gives his life when day is done. Sky it darkens, earth it quakes, Curtain torn as temple shakes.
Broken body, borrowed tomb, For mankind a second womb. Debt is paid, salvation sealed. By his wounds our souls were healed.
God in flesh to earth descended, From the wrath of hell defended Human sin from Adam’s falling, Off’ring us a brand new calling.
Casting off his royal bearing, Bears the scourge His flesh it tearing. Facing angry mob’s cruel jeering, So inhuman His appearing.
Love so ultimate in power, Manifests at perfect hour. So that God, the Word, now spoken, For his children can be broken.
Tomb now empty, angels call, To those rescued from the fall. He is Risen! Grace has won! Praise the blessed, Holy Son.
In the upper room appears, Breathing peace to calm men’s fears. Shows his wounded hands and side, Now forever to abide.
Second Chorus…
Christ who stood against His foes, Blood for sin to interpose, In New Adam Hope reborn, Joyful Resurrection morn.
Heavy stone is rolled away, Finished work, new Sabbath Day. Risen, wounded Lord of Love, Raises men to realms above.
Let us marvel at the sight, Of His never-ending Light, Raise your voice and ever sing, Praise the holy, broken King.
We’ll Be Your Witnesses
Lord you have called us and ready we stand, Soldiers of grace we will heed your command. There is no challenge that we cannot face, Send forth your Spirit and pour out your grace.
Hope for the widow and orphan we’ll be, Healing the sick, setting prisoners free. Walking the road with the lonely and lost, Facing the trials, never counting the cost.
We’ll be your witnesses; we’ll walk the way, Give now the word, sound the call for the day. You are our Captain, our Savior, and Guide, Lead us to glory to stand at your side.
For your good pleasure your Gospel we’ll preach, Seeking the lost, we will heal and will teach. We’ll never weary and we’ll never fail, Girded by grace we will always prevail.
Rest for the weary, joy now for grief, Strength for the stumbling, sinner’s relief. We have been chosen, we are your own, Casting our crowns as we fall at your throne.
Is there a brother or sister in need? There is no challenge that we will not heed. Send us as soldiers to join in the fight, Give us your weapons and pour out your might.
Jesus our Savior, our calling is clear, Marching to heaven with nothing to fear. Onward with strength with our vict’ry in hand, Seeking the glory of your Promised Land.
Repeat last two verses and Chorus once more…